José M. Requena Plens
PhD Student at UPV Polytechnic University of Valencia
Work: Power Electronics DevOps Engineer - R&D

I completed BSc Telecommunications from University of Alicante and MSc Acoustics from Polytechnic University of Valencia.
I’ve worked as a researcher at the IGIC (Waves in complex media group) carrying out a project for the European Space Agency (ESA) to reduce noise on the VEGA rocket launch pad. I have also been researching at i3M/UMIL (Ultrasound Medical and Industrial Laboratory) in the area of acoustic metamaterials and ultrasound. You can see my publications here.
My current interests are engineering in its broadest sense of the word and research and development in any engineering area. I love learning new disciplines and being able to contribute with my knowledge from other areas.
Before working in reasearch I was working as a sound technician for about 6 years. The knowledge acquired in installing, repairing and adjusting systems has facilitated the development of the experimental systems that I have needed (and will need) in my research.
Also I like to develop tools and applications to perform tasks more easily, I always try to make all my work public so that other people can take advantage of it and improve it (I am sure it can be improved). Visit my profile on Github. Obviously I’m not a professional developer but I try.
In my spare time, I like cycling (MTB/enduro), hiking with friends and, why deny it, occasionally going out to party and rock concerts.